Tuesday 30 September 2014

English 10 Homework:

1. Reflection: This is not due until the end of the block on Friday. Please be working on this each day in order to get it finished.

Instructions: In your Reflection Log, the last section of your Binder, write a personal reflection of the research you have done so far. This reflection should be a thoughtful three to five paragraphs on what you are learning about Global Warming and the consequences, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and what it shows about the way we live, and what "Manufactured Landcapes" shows us about our consumerism and its impact on nature and ourselves.

* Try to synthesize your ideas: that is, bring these topics together in each of your paragraphs, as they are not separate subjects, but interconnected.

Also: by tomorrow, all of you should have your binders set up with dividers, and have your Overview returned with a parent's signature.

English 11 Homework for Wed. Oct. 1:

1. a) Finish reading the article "Arks Can't Save Aardvarks." Write down the main point of the article.

b) Then create a Glossary of Words and define them, especially the important ones, including "Ecosphere."  Use the internet to help you.

c) Finally, write down the main point in each paragraph.  From this we will create a summary of precis of the article tomorrow.

All this work is in the Non-Fiction section of your binder.  Keep your research and these notes organized.

Monday 29 September 2014

English 10 Homework for Tues. Sept. 30:

1. Add to your notes from today's class for the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains."  Do not leave your notes as they were, but include the ideas from class.

2. Glossary: add to your Glossary entries after today's class.

3. Tonight's Research: Add to your "Climate Change" notes by creating the heading "Pacific Garbage Patch." Research this phenomena on the internet.  Bring in your notes tomorrow and an illustration showing where it is.

Friday 26 September 2014

English 11 Homework for Monday. Sept. 29:

1. Please go over my Overview with a Parent or Guardian and have them take down the information they need. Also have them sign the last page and return it to me by Monday or Tuesday. Put the rest of the Overview in your Binder.

2. Research how climate change will change the EarthSearch on www.livescience.com and 350.org and other sites.

Create an organized document that has headings, several bullets of information under each heading, each with sufficient (not excessive) information. You could also have a short overview/summary for each section. 

3. Essay Outline: I suggest you reread the two texts, the question, and the notes on essay structure that you wrote down in class. Then take some time and care with your outline. You will write this essay on Monday.

4. If you want a more extensive list of literary device than I gave you go to:


English 10 Homework for Mon. Sept. 29:

1. Set up Binder Dividers if you have not done so. Come in early to class so that I may see them. Also return the 3rd page of the Overview signed by a parent or guardian AND a legal sized file folder if you have not set up your Portfolio.

2.  Research on Climate Change on www.livescience.com and 350.org and any other sites that help you understand the challenges that we will be dealing with in this century. ** Set up a Document with Headings, and several bullets under each heading that are clear but concise **Please be thoughtful and organized: your research should make sense and be easy user friendly. 

3. Also research "the sixth extinction."  What is this?  W5: Who, What, When, Where, Why?

4. Finish "Soft Rains" Questions.


Thursday 25 September 2014

English 11 Homework for Fri. Sept. 25 :

1. a) Bring Binder Dividers (8) to set up your binders.  b) Bring a Legal sized folder to set up your porfolio.

 2. Organize and tidy up your notes from today's class discussion of "The Horses" and "Vegetable Gardens on Mars?"

Due Monday:  Research on www.livescience.com and 350.org on how a 2 degrees climate change will affect the planet.  Take some time to get a range of information and organize your notes it so you can use them.

English 10 Homework for Friday, Sept. 26:

1. A) Bring Legal sized folder   B) Bring your 8 Binder Dividers and paper tabs to set up your Binder C) Bring 3rd page of Overview with your parents signature.

2. Ongoing Research due Monday: be working on your Climate Change Research, setting up a document to organize your work.  Make sure all your other notes on the Rallies and Summit are organized and tidy.

Also be researching "the sixth extinction" taking notes

Wednesday 24 September 2014

English 11 Homework due Thurs. Sept. 25:

1. Have your Legal Sized Folder and Binder Dividers by Friday at the Lastest

2.  Global Warming Notes (Due on Monday): A) Organize your GW notes and add to them by visiting www.livescience.com.  Travel around on this site to find how 2 degrees will change the Earth.

b) Also go to 350.org to find real examples of climate change, including rising sea levels and islands and coast lines at risk right now.

3. Literary Devices Package (Due This Week): You will need to download and print a good Literary Devices Package, that has important Literary Devices with explanations and examples!

English 10 Homework for Thurs. Sept. 25 and 26:

1. Get Binder Dividers (8), Legal Sized Folder, and return Overview signed by your parent or guardian - by Friday!

2. Research on Climate Change: 

a) Organize your notes from today's sharing of information on climate change. Tonight.

b) The rest of this is for Monday: Start research on "How climate change will affect the planet and the way we live."  On the site www.livescience.com  find the title "Living Warmer: How 2 Degrees Will Change Earth" and look at a number of things to get a good overview of the possibilities. Cut and paste from the internet, and make notes as well.  This is going to take some time, so it is not due until Monday, Sept. 29.  However, I recommend that you work on it everyday.

c) Also, 350.org is a good place to start looking at the consequences  of rising sea levels:  and there are other areas to look at if you have time. Take some notes.

d) Also search "sixth extinction" and take a few notes that explain this idea. 


Tuesday 23 September 2014

English 11 Homework for Wednesday, Sept. 24:

1. Synthesis:  Read the poem "Horses" and the article "Vegetable Gardens on Mars" 1) do multiple choice and and do question #2 on the board: notes only.

2. Research: Weekend Rallies and UN Summit.  W5: who, what, when, where, why of it all.  Lots of notes.

3. Binder dividers and Legal sized folder for Friday.

English 10 Homework for tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 24:

1. Set up Glossary:        

Word: part of speech. On the next write the definition of the word, then on the next line, use it in a sentence.

Some words: contemporary, timeless, squander, grapple, dystopia, and more if you want from your Research.

2. Research : a) Look at this past weekend's global event and what is happening now in New York.  Read a few articles and look at some visuals. Consider the following and take some notes:

W5: Who, What, When, Where, and Why (the why is very important and will require some good notes). Why were people in rallies?  Who and why are these people at the UN.  Explain the main issues and some of the important details. What do they hope to accomplish?  How do they hope to accomplish them?

 3. Go over Overview with your Parents or Guardians, carefully.  Have them fill in the last page and return the Overview by Friday.

4. Get a Legal-sized folder for Friday, so we can set up our Portfolios.